Too often HR only gets asked to get involved when there is a problem. It is seen as the cure for a current ailment – disciplinary, grievance, or tribunal for example.

?‍?It’s the firefighter that is needed when training wasn’t given, processes weren’t followed, or emotions got in the way of a rational decision or response

We think ahead when it comes to marketing or budgeting……

?Budgets are set in time for the new financial year,

?Christmas marketing is finalised in June/July ready for launching early September.

Unfortunately, with HR, there is a ‘we don’t need it until we need it’ mindset.

However, with tribunal awards so high these days and rising again in April, not planning HR properly is just opening your organisation up to a potential claim!

A retained HR consultant can keep you ahead of the curve – contracts issued no later than the first day of employment (saving 2 to 4 weeks’ pay if taken to a tribunal for not issuing one) for example.

Avoiding discriminatory language in job ads or the employee handbook – tribunal awards for discrimination have no maximum and a misstep with wording could find an age or sex discrimination case landing on your desk without you knowing why.

Health and safety, food hygiene, licensing risks are constantly evaluated and mitigated against, yet HR is often an after-thought even though potential fines can be just as high as they are for breach of health and safety legislation.

If you use an H and S consultant, a fire safety firm, then its time for a re-think around your HR. As an owner manager you trust these firms to keep you compliant because it’s not your expertise. Perhaps its time HR was added to that list of experts that can help you save thousands of pounds by keeping you on the right side of legislation?

It’s cheaper than you think and potentially can save you thousands or even your business.